neon tube ne demek?
- Neon tüpü
- Neon lambası
- Atom sayısı 10, atom ağırlığı 20,2, yoğunluğu 0,7 olan, sıvı durumuna getirilmiş havadan elde edilerek ışık araçlarında kullanılan, havada pek az olarak bulunan, asal gazlar sınıfından bir element (simgesi Ne).
- Lambası
- Sembolü Ne, mol kütlesi 20,179g , e.n. -249
NEON is a National Science Foundation grant-making initiative to explore the biology of the planet with state-of-the-art research tools and infrastructure A NEON observatory might combine a grouping of elements - e g a museum, university, LTER site, working field station, etc - that are integrated for purpose of a research project The intention is to establish about 10 NEON facilities 1st NEON Workshop Report 2nd NEON Workshop Report 3rd NEON Workshop Report.
Colorless inert gaseous element comprising 0 0012 percent of normal air; a fluorescent, a color of ink or dye that is especially bright.
Tasteless, colorless, inert gas When an electric current is discharged through it, neon produces a reddish-orange glow Neon is also used synonymously with a type of luminous tube sign where a glass tube is bent to a desired shape, fitted with an electrode at each end, the atmosphere is pumped and burned out, and the resulting vacuum is filled with a rare gas, such as neon, helium, argon, mercury vapor or a combination of gases.
Colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts.
Glass vacuum tube filled with neon gas and phosphors formed into signs, letters or shapes.
neon tüpü
- İçinde neon gazı bulunan boru biçiminde bir çeşit ampul.
Neon tube.
neon balığı
- Kemikli balıklar (Teleostei) takımının, Karaksgiller (Characinidae) familyasından, 3 cm kadar uzunlukta, Amazon ırmağında yaşayan bir tür.
- Kemikli balıklardan, karaksigiller (Characinidae) familyasından, 3 cm kadar uzunlukta olabilen, Amazon Nehri'nde yaşayan bir tür.
Hyphessobrycon innesi
- Boru, tüp
- Tünel
- Boru döşemek, boru içine yerleştirmek, boru salmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
neon tüpüneon balığıneon lambasıneon lambasineon lampneon lightneonneon lightsneon reklamlarneon signsneoneo adjuvant kemoterapineo catholicneo classicalneo darwinismtubetube babytube colorstube colourstube countertube feedtube foottube holdertube icetube nosed swimmerstubtub gurnardtub thumpertub thumpingtuba