naval ne demek?

  1. Harp gemilerine ait
  2. Denizel, bahri
  3. Savaş gemisi, deniz harp, deniz


  1. Savaş
  2. Arp.
  3. Bk. savaş
  4. (Bak: Harb)
  5. (en)Chordophone that has a triangular frame consisting of a sounding board and a pillar and a curved neck; the strings stretched between the neck and the soundbox are plucked with the fingers a pair of curved vertical supports for a lampshade come back to; 'Don't dwell on the past'; 'She is always harping on the same old things' play the harp; 'She harped the Saint-Saens beautifully'.
  6. (en)Chordophone that has a triangular frame consisting of a sounding board and a pillar and a curved neck; the strings stretched between the neck and the soundbox are plucked with the fingers.
  7. (en)Pair of curved vertical supports for a lampshade.
  8. (en)Small rectangular free-reed instrument having a row of free reeds set back in air holes and played by blowing into the desired hole.
  9. (en)Come back to; 'Don't dwell on the past'; 'She is always harping on the same old things'.
  10. (en)Play the harp; 'She harped the Saint-Saens beautifully'.

naval academy

  1. Deniz harp okulu

naval airplane

  1. Deniz uçağı

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

naval academynaval airplanenaval architecturenaval attachenaval basenaval battlenaval cadetnaval commandonaval commando boatnaval docksnavahonavaidnavajanav
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