nautical air miles ne demek?
- Nam
- Ad
- Ün.
- İsim, ad. Lakab. Ün. Şan.
- Number Assignment Module The NAM is the electronic memory in the wireless phone that stores the telephone number and an electronic serial number.
- Component of a wireless phone that holds in electronic memory the telephone number and ESN of the phone.
- Number Assignment Module The NAM is the electronic memory in the cellular phone that stores the telephone number and electronic serial number Phones with dual- or multi-NAM features offer the user the option of registering the phone so that it will have two or more phone numbers.
- The NAM or Number Assignment Module is the electronic memory in the cellular phone that stores the telephone number Phones with dual- or multi-NAM features offer users the option of registering the phone with a local number in more than one market.
- The NAM is the electronic memory in the cellular phone that stores the telephone number Phones with dual- or multi-NAM features offer users the option of registering the phone with a local number in more than one market.
- Network Access Module A special jack into which a printer or computer is plugged to connect to a network.
- National Account Manager Title of Ford's fleet field sales representatives.
- Gemiciliğe ait
- Denizciliğe ait
- Bahri, denizsel
nautical almanac
- Seyir kitabı
- Denizcilere gereken bilgi içeren yıllık jurnal (gelgitler, ayın evreleri, güneşim doğuşu, vs. gibi)
- Kurutmak
- Söylemek
- Ortaya dökmek
- Açılmak
- Herkese söylemek
- Hava
- Havalandırmak
- Güneşe sermek
- Yayına girmek
- Ifade etmek
- Mil
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
nauticalnautical almanacnautical astronomynautical insurancenautical knotnautical milenautical tablesnautical twilightnauticallynauticnautnautchairair accumulatorair adjusting screwair admissionair admission holeair agitation systemair alertair analysisair armair assaultaiai active ingredientaia ekleaibAibini düğümcükleri