nasr suresi ne demek?
- Kur'an-I Kerim'deki 110. Sure. İza-cae veya Tevdi' Suresi de denir.
- yardım. - üstünlük (zafer). - kur'an-ı kerim'in 110. suresi. nasrullah: allah'ın yardımı
- Yardım, üstünlük, yenme, galip kılma.
- Hristiyan, İsevi.
- Hristiyanlıkla alakalı ve ona mensub olan. Hristiyanlardan olan. (Bak: Nasara)
- Kur'an'ın yüz on dört bölümünden her biri
- kur’an ’ın yüz on dört bölümünden her biri.
- Kur'an-I Kerim'in 114 bölümünden her biri.
In a sure manner; safely; certainly.
Certainly knowing and believing; confident beyond doubt; implicity trusting; unquestioning; positive.
Physically secure or dependable; 'a sure footing'; 'was on sure ground' certain not to fail; 'a sure hand on the throttle' infallible or unfailing; 'a sure sign of one's commitment' worthy of trust or confidence; 'a sure friend'.
Certain to find or retain; as, to be sure of game; to be sure of success; to be sure of life or health.
Definitely or positively ; 'the results are surely encouraging'; 'she certainly is a hard worker'; 'it's going to be a good day for sure'; 'they are coming, for certain'; 'they thought he had been killed sure enough'; 'he'll win sure as shooting'; 'they sure smell good'; 'sure he'll come'.
Fit or worthy to be depended on; certain not to fail or disappoint expectation; unfailing; strong; permanent; enduring.