narrative folk dance ne demek?

  1. Öykülü halk oyunu


  1. Hikaye, öykü, hikaye anlatma, rivayet
  2. Hikaye, fıkra
  3. Hikaye söyleme sanatı
  4. Hikaye kabilinden.

narrative historiography

  1. Öyküsel tarihçilik


  1. Halk.
  2. (en)The persons of one's own family; as, our folks are all well.
  3. (en)People in general; 'they're just country folk'; 'the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next'.
  4. (en)Social division of people.
  5. (en)People descended from a common ancestor; 'his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower'.
  6. (en)The traditional and typically anonymous music that is an expression of the life of people in a community.
  7. (en)Folk.
  8. (en)In Anglo-Saxon times, the people of a group of townships or villages; a community; a tribe.
  9. (en)People in general, or a separate class of people; generally used in the plural form, and often with a qualifying adjective; as, the old folks; poor folks.
  10. (en)Latin, vulg' ; German, volk; Dutch, volch; Saxon, folc; Danish, folk Folk and vulgar are variants of the same word.


  1. Dans ettirmek
  2. Oynamak, oynatmak
  3. Dans etmek
  4. Dans, raks, oyun
  5. Balo
  6. Dans müziği
  7. Sıçramak, sıçratmak

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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