nan pare ne demek?

  1. Bk. geçim resmi

geçim resmi

  1. Bir kimseye geçimi için devletçe ayrılan ödenek.


  1. Ekmek
  2. Bk. N-asetilnöraminik asit
  3. Ekmek.


  1. Bk. N-asetilnöraminik asit
  2. N-Asetilnöraminik asit.
  3. (C.: Neani-Ne'na') Nane. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: na'na)
  4. (en)N-acetylneuraminic acid.
  5. Nine
  6. Nine.


  1. Parça, kısım.
  2. Tane, adet
  3. Cüz, parça. Kesinti.
  4. (en)To cut off, or shave off, the superficial substance or extremities of; as, to pare an apple; to pare a horse's hoof.
  5. (en)To remove; to separate; to cut or shave, as the skin, ring, or outside part, from anything; followed by off or away; as; to pare off the ring of fruit; to pare away redundancies.
  6. (en)To remove fine shavings with a knife, chisel, or other cutting instrument Paring fine shavings by cutting is distinguished from scraping fine shavings: Paring is usually limited to a small part of a surface, scraping is most often used for more accurate smoothing when applied to a large surface area.
  7. (en)To cut the skin from a food, usually with a short knife called a paring knife.
  8. (en)To diminish the bulk of; to reduce; to lessen.
  9. (en)Decrease gradually or bit by bit remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size; 'pare one's fingernails'; 'trim the photograph'; 'trim lumber'.
  10. (en)Piece.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

nannanananaananaynanban periodnancenancunancynancy astornancy farmernaNa CMCna tamamiyet hissiNAAnaabparepare awaypare downpare offpare parepare smb.s clawsparedpareduzparegoricparegoric elixirparpar delictumpar excellencepar exemplepar imi
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