mythical mountain ne demek?
- Hara
- At üretilen çiftlik, aygır deposu.
- Hare.
- Deve kuşu yumurtasının yeri.
- Süstlük, zayıflık.
1) the abdomen 2) The location of one's soul.
The centre of gravity of the body, located in the lower abdomen; the centre of awareness in zazen meditation.
The central balance point in the human body, located slightly below the navel All coordinated movement originates from this one point.
Lower abdomen; physical and spiritual centre.
The lower abdomen The center of life energy, physical and spiritual Often used as a synonym for 'guts', courage All movement must originate from this point.
mythical monster
- Efsanevi yaratik
- Mitsi, efsanevi
- Dağ
- Yığın, dağ kadar büyük şey
- Azman
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
mythical monstermythicalmythical adventuremythical animalmythical beingmythicallymythicmythic motifmythimythmythemountainmountain aldermountain anemonemountain ashmountain beavermountain black snakemountain bladder fernmountain chainmountain chinchillamountain climatemountmount a horsemount a picturemount a playmount a production of