multiplier representing 1 x 10 ne demek?
- Kilo
- Kilogram.
- Halter sporunda barın iki ucuna yerleştirilen ve ağırlığı oluşturan parça.
- 1000 birimi gösteren SI öneki.
An abbreviation of Kilogram.
Combining form used to signify thousand in forming the names of units of measurement; as, kilogram, kilometer, kilowatt, etc.
Prefix meaning thousand.
Metric prefix meaning 1000 or 103.
Prefix indicating 1,000.
Prefix used to indicate 1000 of the succeeding unit.
Prefix meaning 103 For example, kilohertz.
- Çarpan
- Çarpan.
multiplier effect
- Çarpan etkisi
- İzafeten
- Temsil etme
- Temsilcilik
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
multipliermultiplier effectmultiplier modelmultiplier principlemultipliedmultiplied bymultiplicandmultiplicationmultiplication factormultiplication signmultiplication tablemultiplmultipl epifiz displazisimultipl gebelikmultipl kırıklarmultipl miyelomrepresentingrepresentrepresent o.s. as ...represent torepresentationrepresentation of something