multiplier representing 1 x 10 ne demek?

  1. Kilo


  1. Kilogram.
  2. Halter sporunda barın iki ucuna yerleştirilen ve ağırlığı oluşturan parça.
  3. 1000 birimi gösteren SI öneki.
  4. (en)An abbreviation of Kilogram.
  5. (en)Combining form used to signify thousand in forming the names of units of measurement; as, kilogram, kilometer, kilowatt, etc.
  6. (en)Prefix meaning thousand.
  7. (en)Metric prefix meaning 1000 or 103.
  8. (en)Prefix indicating 1,000.
  9. (en)Prefix used to indicate 1000 of the succeeding unit.
  10. (en)Prefix meaning 103 For example, kilohertz.


  1. Çarpan
  2. Çarpan.

multiplier effect

  1. Çarpan etkisi


  1. İzafeten
  2. Temsil etme
  3. Temsilcilik

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

multipliermultiplier effectmultiplier modelmultiplier principlemultipliedmultiplied bymultiplicandmultiplicationmultiplication factormultiplication signmultiplication tablemultiplmultipl epifiz displazisimultipl gebelikmultipl kırıklarmultipl miyelomrepresentingrepresentrepresent o.s. as ...represent torepresentationrepresentation of something
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