motelci ne demek?
- Motel işleten kimse.
Operator of a motel.
- Motorlu taşıtlarla yolculuk edenlerin barınmalarını, arabalarını park etmelerini ve başka gereksinimlerini karşılamak için işlek kara yolları üzerinde yapılmış otel.
- Bk. taşıtlı konaklama yeri
Motor hotel.
Type of hotel in which parking is provided at or near the room and the room door gives out onto the parking lot.
Building or group of buildings in which lodging is offered to the general public for compensation, and where entrance to rooms is made directly from the outside of the building Motel includes such terms as tourist cabins and tourist court And transient accommodations which do not meet the definition of Bed and Breakfast, Hotel or Inn shall be deemed to be a motel for the purposes of this ordinance.
Building or group of buildings on the same lot designed or used primarily for providing sleeping accommodations for automobile travelers and providing automobile parking conveniently located on the premises.
An inexpensive, single-story hotel near a highway with guest rooms facing and directly accessible from the parking lot.
Building or group of buildings, whether detached or in connecting units, used as individual sleeping or dwelling units designed primarily for transient automobile facilities The term 'motel' shall include buildings designed as 'auto courts,' 'tourist courts,' 'motor courts,' 'motor hotels,' and similar appellations which are designed as integrated units of individual rooms under common ownership.
Auto court.
- Motel işletme işi.
Operating a motel; being the operator of a motel.
- Motorlu taşıtlarla yolculuk edenlerin barınmalarını, arabalarını park etmelerini ve başka gereksinimlerini karşılamak için işlek kara yolları üzerinde yapılmış otel.
- Bk. taşıtlı konaklama yeri
Motor hotel.
Type of hotel in which parking is provided at or near the room and the room door gives out onto the parking lot.
Building or group of buildings in which lodging is offered to the general public for compensation, and where entrance to rooms is made directly from the outside of the building Motel includes such terms as tourist cabins and tourist court And transient accommodations which do not meet the definition of Bed and Breakfast, Hotel or Inn shall be deemed to be a motel for the purposes of this ordinance.
Building or group of buildings on the same lot designed or used primarily for providing sleeping accommodations for automobile travelers and providing automobile parking conveniently located on the premises.
An inexpensive, single-story hotel near a highway with guest rooms facing and directly accessible from the parking lot.
Building or group of buildings, whether detached or in connecting units, used as individual sleeping or dwelling units designed primarily for transient automobile facilities The term 'motel' shall include buildings designed as 'auto courts,' 'tourist courts,' 'motor courts,' 'motor hotels,' and similar appellations which are designed as integrated units of individual rooms under common ownership.
Auto court.