mir ne demek?
- Baş, kumandan, amir.
- Bey, emir.
- Bk. ayar resmi
- Emirin kısaltılmış şekli
- Kumandan, vali.
- Etire ve Arabistan'da yetişen Commiphora ve Balsamodendron türü ağaçlardan elde edilen aromatik reçine sakızı
Russian village community.
Same as Emir.
Minimum Information Rate or Committed Information Rate , is the minimum transmit and receive data rate for a connection.
Maximum Information Rate: Refer to PCR.
The Russian word for Peace.
The peasant commune.
Resolution wedge.
Test pattern.
The minimum information rate that is supported by a frame relay connection.
Multiple isomorphous replacement Measurements are taken from a 'native' protein and several derivatives.
Rural peasant village or community In Russia before the modern reforms, the serfs of the Crown and those of some nobles lived in Mirs, where they elected their village assembly or council responsible for the collection of rent and taxes When serfdom was ended in 1861, the government reimbursed the land-owning nobles and assigned title to some of the land to the Mirs which were required to make long term payments to the government The land was thus owned in common by the peasants of the Mir, each of whom was assigned a plot of land to farm The village assembly elected an elder who administered tax collections and from time to time allocated the commonly owned land among those entitled to farm it The system failed to sustain the growing population and was abolished in 1906.
Hand, a gift, a suggestion of peace, an offer, to give.
ayar resmi
- Yayın araçlarının, alıcı dalgalığın ve almacın, düzgün ve aksaksız çalışıp çalışmadığını saptamak amacıyla televizyon yayaçlarının yayın saatlerinden önce yayınladıkları, özel olarak hazırlanmış resim.
Test card (chart), tuning card, resolution pattern, definition chart, (ABD) test pattern.
Testbild, Probebild, Prüfbild
- Arazi üzerinde seçilmiş bir işaret noktasının düşeyini gösteren, yön belirtmek için uzaktan gözlenen, geometrik biçimli tahta lata.
- eski likya kentlerinden birinin adı. bir kuyruklu yıldız adı. ayrıca ispanyolcada da "bak" anlamındadır.
- (Riya. dan) Riya etme, riyakarlık yapma.
Levelling rod.
Davion world , located in the Valexa PDZ region.
Surveyor's rod.
Remarkable variable star in the constellation Cetus.
MILAN infra-red active night vision attachment.
Microsoft's codename for its remote display technology This technology allows a simple tablet to be carried around which communicates to a desktop PC over WiFi networking.
- Bir kentin su işlerine bakan kişi. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: mir-ab)