mikado ne demek?
- Japon imparatorlarına verilen unvan.
- Fil dişi, tahta veya kemikten yapılmış küçük çubuklarla oynanan bir oyun.
- Japon İmparatorlarına verilen san.
Steam locomotive with a 2-8-2 wheel arrangement, 2 pony truck wheels up front, 8 driving wheels in the middle and 2 trailing truck wheels at the rear under the firebox.
The popular designation of the hereditary sovereign of Japan.
The emperor of Japan; when regarded as a religious leader the emperor is called tenno.
An ancient name for the Emperor of Japan, widely used in the West in the 19th Century and popularized by Gilbert and Sullivan in their operetta 'The Mikado,' but not used in Japan, where the emperor was and is customarily referred to as Tenno, 'Son of Heaven.
Literally 'exalted gate ' An archaic and seldom used term for the Japanese monarch.
Locomotive with 2-8-2 wheel arrangement.
- Japon imparatoru, mikado.
- Mikado, japon imparatoru
mikado çöpleri
Jackstraws, spillikins.
mikado kemikleri