mental arithmetic ne demek?

  1. Akıldan hesap


  1. Ussal
  2. Zihinsel
  3. Akıl ile ilgili
  4. Çene bölgesi.
  5. (en)Of or relating to the mind, intellectual, cerebral; mentally ill (Slang); providing care for those with disorders of the mind; performed by or existing in the mind; of or pertaining to the chin.
  6. (en)Mental.
  7. (al)Geistig
  8. Akıl, zeka
  9. Zihne ait
  10. (la)Ruhsal

mental aberasyon

  1. (en)Mental aberration


  1. Sayı bilgisi
  2. Aritmetik
  3. Hesap, hesap ilmi.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

mentalmental aberasyonmental aberrationmental ability or quicknessmental activitymental agemental alertnessmental alienationmental anguishmental attitudementamentagramentmenmen at workmen dakka dukkamen davasımen enearithmeticarithmetic averagearithmetic checkarithmetic dataarithmetic expressionarithmetic instructionarithmetic meanarithmetic operationarithmetic operatorarithmetic progression
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