maya ne demek?
Kökeni: Farsça
- Bazı besinlerin yapımında mayalanmayı sağlamak için kullanılan madde, ferment.
- İçerdikleri enzimlerin katalizör niteliği etkisiyle şekerleri karbondioksit ve alkole dönüştüren bir hücreli bitki organizmaları.
- Yaradılış, öz nitelik
Belki biri soyutlanmaya daha az yatkın, öteki daha fazla tetikti, ama mayaları galiba birdi.
A. İlhan - Arsız, utanmaz kimse.
- Damızlık dişi hayvan.
- Dişi deve.
- Uzun havalardan bir tür halk türküsü.
- Bira ve şarapmayalanmasında kullanılan canlı ya da ölü, bir hücreli mantar ve bakteriler.
- Hamurmayası.
- Canlı hâlde sahip oldukları özellikleri kurutulmuş olarak da muhafaza edildiği için kuru hâlde de kullanılan, hem insanlar tarafından kullanılan, hem de hayvanlara yem olarak verilen protein ve B vitamininden zengin biramayası.
- İçerdikleri enzimlerin tezgensel etkisiyle şekerleri karbondioksit ve alkole dönüştüren tek gözeli bitki organizmaları.
- Bakterilerden daha büyük, elipsoit, küre veya silindir biçiminde olan, mikrobiyal aktiviteyi uyararak veya sindirim kanalı pH'sını dengeleyerek sindirimi artıran tek hücreli canlılar. Ekmek, bira vb. bazı gıdaların üretiminde kullanılan, tomurcuklanmayla çoğalan tek hücreli mantar.
- Asıl, öz, kendi, yaradılış.
- İktidar, güç.
- Bilgi.
- Para, mal.
- Uzun hava, türkü.
- Kendisi değişim göstermeksizin diğer bir maddede kimyasal değişikliğe neden olan madde, fermantasyon yapıcı madde, ferment.
- Tek hücreli, tomurcuklanmayla çoğalan mantarlar.
- Yeast.
- Ferment.
- Yeast powder.
- Leaven.
- Sourdough.
- Barm.
- Maya.
- The name for the doctrine of the unreality of matter, called, in English, idealism; hence, nothingness; vanity; illusion.
- Family of American Indian languages spoken by Mayan peoples an ethnic minority speaking Mayan languages and living in Yucatan and adjacent areas.
- Starter.
- Basic ingredient.
- The illusion that characterizes all transitory existence in Hindu philosophy, with only the spirit being permanent.
- Loosely translated as 'illusion,' in Hinduism, it refers to the deceptive nature of the temporal world We are victims of maya when we regard the objects and impressions of our perception as absolutes in themselves when they are, along with our respective selves, one holistic reality, i e , Brahman.
- The dillusion of being wrapped up in the material world and attached to it.
- Illusion, particularly the illusion of the transient, impermanent, phenomenal world.
- Ignorance obscuring the vision of God, the inherent creative power in Godhead or Brahman through which the visible universe is manifested We are in spiritual blindness because of the maya.
- Signified originally in the Veda the comprehensive and creative knowledge, wisdom that is from of old, afterwards taken in its second and derivative sense, cunning, magic, illusion; phenomenal consciousness, the power of self-illusion in brahman.
- Illusion, popularly used in this sense Philosophically, the phenomenal universe, being subject to differentiation and impermanence is Maya.
- Illusion.
- 1)Unreality, illusion, prakriti 2)The Hindu principle that all is an illusion and that ultimately the physical world, contacted through the conscious mind and the five senses, does not represent reality This philosophy is also taught by A Course in Miracles.
- Maya sakti is the veiling power of God, which veils the truth from our eyes and creates individual ignorance or avidya See advaita vedanta, page.
- Illusion; the energy of the Supreme Lord that deludes living entities into forgetting their spiritual nature and forgetting God.
- Force that shows the unreal as real and presents that which is temporary and short-lived as permanent and everlasting.
- The illusion of being wrapped up in the material world and attached to it.
- Illusion; in Hindu philosophy Maya is the divine power which has created the cosmso.
- Illusion'; 'Illusion';.
- Cosmic illusion on account of which the one appears as many.
- Term of Vedanta philosophy denoting ignorance obscuring the vision of Reality; the cosmic illusion on account of which the One appears as many, the Absolute as the relative world.
- The glamour and illusion on the physical plane to which an integrated personality responds as the result of uncontrolled vital energies pouring through the etheric vehicle.
- The pre-Columbian people who planted and cultivated the first cacao plantations in the Yucatan region of Mexico about 600 A D These plantations made them wealthy and established them as significant traders.
- The Great Illusion.
- Illusion Anything besides the Absolute Parabrahman is an illussion The first manifestation of this illussion is that primordial plane of which the hindu god Brahma is the personification.
- Hindu term coined by Advaita Vedanta to refer to the illusory or deceptive nature of the world which prompts us to make distinctions.
- Ferment, yeast.
- Hefe
- Levure
- Hinduizm büyü, afsun.
- Eskiden Orta Amerika yerlilerinin ileri uygarlığa sahip bir aşireti
- Maya'ların dili.
- Maya, büyü (hint), maya dili
maya ağacı
- Meyvelerinden yemek yağı çıkarılan bir tür hurma ağacı (Elaels).
maya angelou
- (1928 doğumlu) Afro-Amerikan sanatçı yazar ve insan hakları savunucusu, "Kafese Kapatılmış Kuşların Neden şarkı Söylediğini Biliyorum" adlı otobiyografik şiir kitabının yazarı