masonry ne demek?
- Duvarcılık
- Masonluk
- Taşçılık veya duvarcılık sanatı veya işi
- Duvar örme işi.
masonry dam
- Kagir baraj
- Masonluk derneği üyesi, farmason.
- Fr. Duvarcı manasına bir kelimeden alınmış isimdir. Dinsiz, imansız manasına kullanılır. Fermeson veya farmason da denir.
To build stonework or brickwork about, under, in, over, etc.; to construct by masons; with a prepositional suffix; as, to mason up a well or terrace; to mason in a kettle or boiler.
Craftsman who works with stone or brick English writer English film actor American Revolutionary leader from Virginia whose objections led to the drafting of the Bill of Rights.
English writer.
Craftsman who works with stone or brick.
One whose occupation is to build with stone or brick; also, one who prepares stone for building purposes.
Member of a widespread secret fraternal order pledged to mutual assistance and brotherly love.
Member of the fraternity of Freemasons.
See Freemason.