mask ne demek?
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- Muhkem, sağlam. (Müe: Maske)
Cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise or protection; as, a dancer's mask; a fencer's mask; a ball player's mask.
That which disguises; a pretext or subterfuge.
Festive entertainment of dancing or other diversions, where all wear masks; a masquerade; hence, a revel; a frolic; a delusive show.
Dramatic performance, formerly in vogue, in which the actors wore masks and represented mythical or allegorical characters.
Grotesque head or face, used to adorn keystones and other prominent parts, to spout water in fountains, and the like; called also mascaron.
In a permanent fortification, a redoubt which protects the caponiere.
Screen for a battery.
The lower lip of the larva of a dragon fly, modified so as to form a prehensile organ.
To cover, as the face, by way of concealment or defense against injury; to conceal with a mask or visor.
To disguise; to cover; to hide.
To conceal; also, to intervene in the line of.
To cover or keep in check; as, to mask a body of troops or a fortress by a superior force, while some hostile evolution is being carried out.
To take part as a masker in a masquerade.
To wear a mask; to be disguised in any way.
Person wearing a mask; a masker.
The blocking out of a portion of the printing plate during the exposure process.
In offset lithography, an opaque material used to protect selected areas of a printing plate during exposure 'Masking' can also be performed digitally with sophisticated image editing programs.
The photographic film used to isolate portions of a wafer during a processing step This photo-mask may be used to control the patterning of a layer of photoresist or other material on the surface of the wafer which acts as the actual process mask.
Defined area used to limit the effect of image-editing operations to certain regions of the image In an electronic imaging system, masks are drawn manually or created automatically--keyed to specific density levels or hue, saturation and luminance values in the image It is similar to photographic lith masking in an enlarger.
Masking involves presenting an image or impression of oneself that is not complete or is inaccurate or misleading, in order to manipulate the observer Masking can be thought of as a form of shielding, although all the defensive capacity relies on manipulating the reaction of the observer A mask does not necessarily involve any shifting of any part of the pattern.
Device for delineating the areas of a wafer which should be exposed Typically, a mask is a composed of a non-absorbing substrate and a layer of absorbing material on top of it The pattern data is used in removing areas of the absorbing material See specifically x-ray mask.
An image editing device used to cover part of a digital image that can then be left untouched while you apply a filter or effect to the rest of the picture.
Thin photographic film used to transfer part of a circuit pattern to the surface of a semiconductor wafer A number of masks are used in combination with various additive and subtractive operations, to create the integrated circuits on a wafer.
Pattern used to control the retention or elimination of portions of another pattern Regions of an image at a constant value, usually white or black, form the mask.
An opaque screen placed in the camera or printer that blocks part of the frame off and changes the shape of the photo-graphed image, leaving part of the frame a solid color As seen on the screen, most masks are black, although they can be white or colored.
Function within image editing software that allows the user to restrict their image edits to only a part of the image A mask can have a hard or soft edge allowing the user to achieve a variety of obvious or subtle effects.
The bit going over the nose.
In color separation photography, an intermediate photographic negative or positive used in color correction In offset-lithography, opaque material used to protect open or selected areas of a printing plate during exposure.
In general, a mask is a file that filters out values from another file The simplest way to do this is to draw shapes on an image and use the shapes to define what values are seen in some other image Typically, the mask image has 1's inside the shapes and 0's outside When you multiply an image by this 1,0 mask, only the values multiplied by 1 remain The others all turn to 0's Afni and SPM have associated mask drawing tools.
Mask is used to block out part of an image In Photoshop, selections are part of a masking system to work on specific parts of an image Photoshop channel masks are used to create selections Each Photoshop channel is defined as an eight-bit grayscale images High-contrast black-and-white masks can be created in a channel or continuous-tone gradient masks.
To prevent light from reaching part of an image, therefore isolating the remaining part Also called knock out.
Transparent plate covered with an array of opaque and transparent patterns used to define the size and shape of circuit and device elements on a wafer Opaque areas are made of emulsion, chrome, iron oxide, or other materials.
An opaque overlay placed over any part of a photo or separation negative that should not be exposed to light.
The head or face of a fox.
Activity that tries to conceal something; 'no mask could conceal his ignorance'; 'they moved in under a mask of friendship' a covering to disguise or conceal the face a protective covering worn over the face put a mask on or cover with a mask; 'Mask the children for Halloween' shield from light cover with a sauce; 'mask the meat'.
Death mask.
Covering to disguise or conceal the face.
Activity that tries to conceal something; 'no mask could conceal his ignorance'; 'they moved in under a mask of friendship'.
Party of guests wearing costumes and masks.
Protective covering worn over the face.
Hide under a false appearance; 'He masked his disappointment'.
Put a mask on or cover with a mask; 'Mask the children for Halloween'.
Cover with a sauce; 'mask the meat'.
Shield from light.
Masks are used in image editing to identify areas of an image The mask can be used to protect parts of an image during editing from unintentional manipulation or they can be used to determine parts of an image intended as transparent Mask information is stored in an images Alpha channel.
Boolean array or array-valued expression used to control where a data parallel operation has effect; the operation is only executed where array elements are true.
In color separation photography, an intermediate photographic negative or positive used on color correction In offset-lithography, opaque material used to protect open or selected areas of a printing plate during exposure.
Covering of the face, used conventionally by actors in many periods, including Greek, Roman, and commedia dell'arte The mask was also used in other sorts of plays for certain occasions, such as the masked balls in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado about Nothing The mask is a symbol of the theatre, particularly the two classic masks of Comedy and Tragedy To hide backstage storage or activity by placing in front of it neutrally colored flats or drapery.
In color separation photography, an intermediate photographic negative or positive used in color correction In offset lithography, opaque material used to protect open or selected areas of printing plates during exposure to top.
Mask is the standard operating system built into the microchip's ROM or EEPROM which enables cards to operate and be read on a system.
Cover or partial cover for the face used for disguise.
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