maroccan cart whecl ne demek?

  1. Fas tekerleği


  1. Malların geminin yanında teslim edilmesi ve teslimden sonra ortaya çıkacak her türlü hasar, kayıp ve giderlerin alıcının sorumluluğunda olduğu uluslararası F grubu teslim biçimlerinden biri ve buna dayalı fiyat.
  2. Bk. lop
  3. Hurmanın kabuğunu soymak.
  4. (en)Morocco.
  5. (en)Free Alongside Ship This term means that the exporter's obligations are fulfilled when the goods are placed alongside a ship It is the exporter's responsibility to clear the goods for export.
  6. (en)Incoterm meaning Free Alongside Ship'.
  7. (en)Free Alongside Ship.
  8. (en)An INCOTERM describing a term of sale that details the responsibilities of the buyer and seller for the international trade transaction Under this term, the seller fulfills his obligation to deliver when the goods have been placed alongside the vessel on the quay or in lighters at the named port of shipment This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that moment The buyer must clear the goods for export Can only be used for sea or inland waterway transport.
  9. (en)Free alongside ship A pricing term indicating that the quoted price includes the cost of delivering the goods alongside a designated vessel.
  10. (en)Free Alongside Ship Sea.

maroc locust

  1. Fas çekirgesi


  1. Ciltçilikte çok kullanılan işlenmiş keçi derisi.
  2. (en)Morocco.


  1. Sert bir şey yırtılırken çıkan ses.
  2. (en)Common name for various kinds of vehicles, as a Scythian dwelling on wheels, or a chariot.
  3. (en)Two-wheeled vehicle for the ordinary purposes of husbandry, or for transporting bulky and heavy articles.
  4. (en)Light business wagon used by bakers, grocerymen, butchers, etc.
  5. (en)An open two-wheeled pleasure carriage.
  6. (en)To carry or convey in a cart.
  7. (en)To expose in a cart by way of punishment.
  8. (en)Classification and Regression Trees A type of decision tree algorithm that automates the pruning process through cross validation and other techniques.
  9. (en)Computer-Assisted Realtime is real-time captioning shown on a screen projector for live events such as meetings.
  10. (en)The Swiss valet Prince Albert brought with him from Coburg, who had been in his service since the prince was a child.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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