maniasız ne demek?
- Engelsiz.
- Engelsiz.
- Engel.
- Engel.
- Bk. engel
- Men'eden şey. Engel. Özür. Zorluk. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: mânia)
Violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity.
Mania or manic episode often begins with a pleasurable sense of heightened energy, creativity, and social ease; feelings that without proper medical treatment can quickly escalate out of control into a full-blown manic episode People experiencing mania typically lack self-awareness, deny anything is wrong, and angrily blame anyone who points out a problem In addition to feeling unusually 'high,' euphoric or irritable, the person also may exhibit symptoms such as:.
Period that lasts at least 2 days where a consumer experiences racing thoughts, euphoria , poor safety, poor judgment and wild spending Can also include auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, and/or delusions.
An excited mood characterized by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of thoughts and behavior.
In John Lee's typology of love, obsessive love.
Disturbance of mood in which the individual experiences a euphoria characterized by unrealistic optimism and heightened sensory pleasures.
mania tabakası
- Bk. engel katmam