mango ne demek?
- Hint kirazı.
The fruit of the mango tree.
It is rather larger than an apple, and of an ovoid shape.
Some varieties are fleshy and luscious, and others tough and tasting of turpentine.
The green fruit is pickled for market.
Oblong tropical fruit of which there are some two hundred varieties We usually eat them ripe, as a fruit or in salsa Green mangoes, however, make great salads and chutneys.
Tropical fruit, orange flesh.
Green muskmelon stuffed and pickled.
Large oval smooth-skinned tropical fruit with juicy aromatic pulp and a large hairy seed large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval smooth-skinned fruit.
Large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval smooth-skinned fruit.
Large oval smooth-skinned tropical fruit with juicy aromatic pulp and a large hairy seed.
The fruit of the tropical mango tree The flesh is very juicy and pleasantly acid Used in snacks, jams, jellies, and desserts Green mangos are used to make pickles and chutney.
Tropical fruit with a greeny-orange skin.
Aam Fruit.
Tropical fruit with bright orangy-yellow flesh that is sweet, juicy and fragrant; its skin is thin and tough and turns from green to yellow-red when ripe.
- Mango
Remote allusion; slight mention; intimation; insinuation; a suggestion or reminder, without a full declaration or explanation; also, an occasion or motive.
Slight indication an indirect suggestion; 'not a breath of scandal ever touched her' drop a hint; intimate by a hint.
An indirect suggestion; 'not a breath of scandal ever touched her'.
Slight indication.
Slight but appreciable addition; 'this dish could use a touch of garlic'.
Just detectable amount; 'he speaks French with a trace of an accent'.
An indication of potential opportunity; 'he got a tip on the stock market'; 'a good lead for a job'.
Drop a hint; intimate by a hint.
mango sineği
- Güneydoğu Afrika'da yaşayan ve Loa loa adlı nematoda ara konaklık yapan sinek türü, Chrysops dimidiata.
Mango fly, mangrove fly.
mangold fly
- Pancar sinegi