magma ne demek?
- Yerin içinde, sıvı veya hamur kıvamında uçucu gazlarla doymuş olarak bulunan eriyik.
- Yun. Jeo: Yanardağlardan çıkan hamur kıvamındaki yoğun madde.
Any crude mixture of mineral or organic matters in the state of a thin paste.
Thick residuum obtained from certain substances after the fluid parts are expressed from them; the grounds which remain after treating a substance with any menstruum, as water or alcohol.
Salve or confection of thick consistency.
The molten matter within the earth, the source of the material of lava flows, dikes of eruptive rocks, etc.
The glassy base of an eruptive rock.
Molten rock within the crust of a planet that is capable of intrusion into adjacent crustal rocks or extrusion onto the surface Igneous rocks are derived from magma through solidification and related processes or through eruption of the magma at the surface.
Molten rock beneath the surface of the earth.
Molten rock beneath the surface of the Earth that forms igneous rocks when cooled.
Molten rock which exists below the earth's crust; it solidifies to form igneous rocks on the earth's surface.
Molten rock material within the earth.
Molten rock that cools and solidifies below the surface of the earth.
Molten rock below the surface of the Earth that rises in volcanic vents Lava is the term for magma after it erupts from a volcano.
Molten or partially molten rock at temperatures ranging from 700 deg C to 1600 deg C Some magma bodies are believed to exist at drillable depths within the earth's crust, although practical technologies for harnessing magma energy have not been developed If ever utilized, magma represents a potentially enormous resource.
Molten rock containing liquids, crystals, and dissolved gases that forms within the upper part of the Earth's mantle and crust When erupted onto the Earth's surface, it is called lava.
Liquid or molten rock deep in the earth in a zone of very high temperatures and enormous pressure where rock fusion takes place.
Molten rock within the Earth, from which igneous rock is formed by cooling.
Molten rock beneath the earth's surface Magma is called 'lava' when it erupts from a volcano.
The amorphous or homogenous matrix or ground mass, as distinguished from well-defined crystals; as, the magma of porphyry.
Molten rock in the earth's crust.
Molten rock generated within the Earth.
Naturally occurring molten rock material, generated within the earth and capable of being intruded into other rocks or extruded onto the surface of the earth.
Molten rock found beneath the surface of the earth.
Molten rock below the Earth's surface.
The molten rock material under the earth's crust, from which igneous rock is formed by cooling.
Molten rock; referred to as lava when extruded onto the Earth's surface.
Molten material located beneath the Earth's surface.
Molten rock originating from the Earth's interior.
- Mağma, macunsu bileşim
magma ayrımlaşması
- Magmanın, bulunduğu yerde ve dışarıdan yabancı bir madde olmaksızın, kimyasal bakımdan ana magmadan ayrı bileşimde bölümlere ayrılması.
Magmatic dif-ferenciation.
Magmatische Differentiation, Differentiation, Spaltung
Différentiation magmatique
magma ayrimlasmasi
Magmatic differentiation