lumbalis ne demek?

  1. Bele ait
  2. Belle ilgili
  3. (la)Lumbalis


  1. Soğuğun etkisiyle veya bir bükülme sonucunda, bel bölgesinde birdenbire beliren ağrı.
  2. Bel ağrısı.
  3. Felçli miyoglobinüri.
  4. (en)Lumbago.
  5. (en)The state or quality of being lucky; as, the luckiness of a man or of an event.
  6. (en)Good fortune; favorable issue or event.
  7. (en)Being without luck; unpropitious; unfortunate; unlucky; meeting with ill success or bad fortune; as, a luckless gamester; a luckless maid.
  8. (en)Favored by luck; fortunate; meeting with good success or good fortune; said of persons; as, a lucky adventurer.
  9. (en)Producing, or resulting in, good by.
  10. (en)General term meaning pain in the back.


  1. (en)Lumbar.
  2. Bele ait, bel ile ilgili
  3. Lomber

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

lumbagolumbarlumbar puncturelumbar vertabraelumbar vertebralumb sugar
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