lucky hit ne demek?
- Şans
- Rastlantıları düzenlediğine ve insanlara iyi veya kötü durumlar hazırladığına inanılan doğaüstü güç, kut, baht, talih, felek
lucky charm
- Nazarlık
lucky day
- Uğurlu gün
- Liste başı.
To reach with a stroke or blow; to strike or touch, usually with force; especially, to reach or touch.
To reach or attain exactly; to meet according to the occasion; to perform successfully; to attain to; to accord with; to be conformable to; to suit.
To guess; to light upon or discover.
To take up, or replace by a piece belonging to the opposing player; said of a single unprotected piece on a point.
To meet or come in contact; to strike; to clash; followed by against or on.
To meet or reach what was aimed at or desired; to succeed, often with implied chance, or luck.
Striking against; the collision of one body against another; the stroke that touches anything.
Stroke of success in an enterprise, as by a fortunate chance; as, he made a hit.
Peculiarly apt expression or turn of thought; a phrase which hits the mark; as, a happy hit.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
lucky charmlucky daylucky devillucky doglucky dog!luckylucky enoughlucky incidentlucky starluckluck moneyluck outluck pennyluckilylucanus cervuslucas arz eğrisilucas critiquelucas eleştirisilucas sunum eğrisihithit againsthit and misshit and miss transformhit and runhit and run accidenthit and run driverhit athit backhit below the belthihi althi can i help youhi fihi how are you