liturgical drama ne demek?
- Kilise oyunu
- Hristiyanların ibadet etmek için toplandıkları yer
- Hristiyanlıkla ilgili dinî kuruluş.
- Hristiyanlığın öğretilmesi, dinî işlerin yönetimi vb. ile ilgili papa ve piskoposlar topluluğu.
- (Heykel) Hıristiyan tapınağı. a. bk. bazilika, tapınak, megaron.
- Hıristiyanların mabedi. Hıristiyan mezhebi.
- Church.
- Parish.
- Fane.
- Fold.
- Meeting house.
- Ayinle ilgili
- Liturjiye ait
- Komünyona ait
- Ayinsel bir biçimde
- Dram.
- Dramatic composition and the literature pertaining to or illustrating it; dramatic literature.
- The quality of being arresting or highly emotional the literary genre of works intended for the theater an episode that is turbulent or highly emotional.
- Dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage; 'he wrote several plays but only one was produced on Broadway'.
- An episode that is turbulent or highly emotional.
- The literary genre of works intended for the theater.
- The quality of being arresting or highly emotional.
- Story written to be performed by actors.
- The art of composing, writing, acting, or producing plays; a literary composition intended to portray life character or tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions exhibited through action and dialogue, designed for theatrical performance.
- The literary genre which describes texts written for performance on stage, or on radio or television.