lens ne demek?
- Mercek.
- Gözün saydam tabakasının üzerine doğrudan uygulanan, görmeyi düzeltici mercek, kontak lens.
- Mercek
- Bk. mercek
- Bk. mercek (II)
- Göz merceği.Dgr.: anat. lens
Lens mercek.
Contact lens kontaklens.
In practice, the curved surfaces are usually spherical, though rarely cylindrical, or of some other figure.
Transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images electronic equipment that uses a magnetic or electric field in order to focus a beam of electrons biconvex transparent body situated behind the iris in the eye; it focuses light waves on the retina a channel through which something can be seen or understood; 'the writer is the lens through which history can be seen' genus of small erect or climbing herbs with pinnate leaves and small inconspicuous white flowers and small flattened pods: lentils.
The transparent structure in the front of the eye With outward curves on both sides, the lens helps focus light on the retina A piece of glass or other transparent material having two polished opposite surfaces, at least one of which is curved.
Part of the eye that provides some focusing power The lens is able to change shape allowing the eye to focus at different distances.
The transparent, dual-convex body which focuses light rays onto the retina.
The transparent structure inside the eye that focuses light rays onto the retina.
Structure inside the eye that helps to focus light on the retina It is curved on both sides and acts similar to a camera lens.
Transparent optical element, so constructed that it serves to change the degree of convergence or divergence of the transmitted rays.
Is a part of the eye that provides some focusing power The lens is able to change shape allowing the eye to focus at different distances.
Structure made of transparent glass or other material, with at least one curved surface, which causes the light rays passing through it to converge or diverge in a controlled fashion.
Transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images.
Genus of small erect or climbing herbs with pinnate leaves and small inconspicuous white flowers and small flattened pods: lentils.
Channel through which something can be seen or understood; 'the writer is the lens through which history can be seen'.
Biconvex transparent body situated behind the iris in the eye; it focuses light waves on the retina.
Electronic equipment that uses a magnetic or electric field in order to focus a beam of electrons.
Crystalline lens.
Piece of glass, or other transparent substance, ground with two opposite regular surfaces, either both curved, or one curved and the other plane, and commonly used, either singly or combined, in optical instruments, for changing the direction of rays of light, and thus magnifying objects, or otherwise modifying vision.
Contact lens.
Transparent, biconvex, nearly spherical body in the eye which focuses light passing through the pupil onto the retina.
Medium which will bend light The eye has its own crystalline lens that helps focus light Spectacle lenses help bend the light in such a way that once it reaches the eye it can then be focused Contact lenses do the same except that they are in contact with the eyeball.
The transparent, crystalline, flexible structure in the front of the eye directly behind the pupil Tiny muscles change the shape of the lens to bend the entering light, helping the eye focus for seeing up close and far away.
Cylinder of shaped pieces of glass or plastic at the front of a camera, the lens projects a tiny image of the subject onto the film.
Lens is a clear object which changes the direction of light beams passing through it There is a part of the eyeball called the lens, which focuses light on the retina Corrective lenses, such as contact lenses and eyeglass lenses, change the direction of incoming light so that a clear image appears on the retina and you can see clearly.
The lens sits in the middle of the eye, behind the pupil It focuses the light onto the retina so that you see clear images The lens is a remarkable instrument that adjusts from reading fine print to reading a movie marquee 100 or more feet away Tiny ligaments keep the lens suspended in place.
An optical device made of glass or other transparent material that forms images by bending and focusing rays of light A lens made of a single piece of glass cannot produce very sharp or exact images, so camera lenses are made up of a number of glass 'elements' that cancel out each other's weaknesses and work together to give a sharp true image The size, curvature and positioning of the elements determine the focal length and angle of view of a lens.
The glass or plastic element through which light first enters your camera If you have a poor-quality lens, it doesn't matter how many megapixels or other features a camera has, the picture will be poor Plastic lenses can make your photo look as though they were taken on a foggy day Aspherical glass lenses produce better pictures by reducing the slight distortion often caused by circular lenses.
Transparent biconvex tissue within the eye that helps bring rays of light to focus on the retina The lens crystalline can change shape and increase the optical power of the eye when viewing near objects This ability to accommodate is lost after age 40, requiring the use of bifocals or reading glasses.
The part of the eye behind the iris that adjusts focus for different distances by changing shape.
The crystalline lens finishes the focusing of light It helps to 'fine tune' vision, and it is able to change shape to allow the eye to focus on near objects When it becomes cloudy, it is called a cataract Unlike the cornea, the lens can be made to change its shape rapidly and voluntarily Using its ability to change shape, the lens allows the eye to change its focal point Changes in the shape of the lens will allow a normal eye to focus on near objects.
One or more pieces of optical glass or similar material designed to collect and focus rays of light to form a sharp image on the film, paper, or projection screen.
Combination of shaped glasses and air spaces set in a specific arrangement within a barrel Within the lens is a diaphragm that can be opened and closed to allow in specific amounts of light This is controlled manually by a ring on the outside of the lens barrel, or electronically via pins in the coupling ring that mounts the lens to the camera Lenses have two primary functions: one is to focus light with as little distortion or aberration as possible on to film or sensor Focusing is accomplished by changing the relationship of the elements in the lens to the film plane The other function is to control the amount of light hitting the film by use of its aperture Autofocusing lenses may contain small motors for racking the lens back and forth in response to changes in focus.
The crystalline lens of the eye is located behind the pupil and iris of the eye and its job is to flex and bend to help focus the light coming in The lens relaxes and contracts when focused at near and far distances to apply more or less 'zoom' power in order to see object clearly This structure is generally quite clear and cannot be seen without special equipment If it gets cloudy, we refer to this as a 'cataract ' SEE: ACCOMMODATION.
One or more pieces of optical glass used to gather and focus light rays to form an image.
- Adese, mercek
- Göz merceği
- Mercek, lens, adese, göz merceği, gözlük camı, objektif
- İçinden geçen paralel ışınları düzenli bir biçimde birbirine yaklaştıran veya birbirinden uzaklaştıran, camdan veya ışık kırıcı herhangi bir maddeden yapılmış, genellikle küresel yüzeylerle sınırlanmış saydam cisim, adese, lens.
- Çoğunlukla saydam camdan yüzeyleri çukur ya da tümsek olacak biçimde işlenmiş, ışığı toplayacak ya da dağıtacak nitelikte yassı, çembersel nesne.
- Bir yüzleri yuvarsal, öbür yüzleri yuvarsal ya da düzlem olan, camdan yapılma ve bir ışık demetini kırılmaya uğratarak belli bir noktaya düşüren saydam cisim. (En az ikimercekten oluşanmercek dizgesine objektif denilmekle birlikte, İngilizcede her ikisi için de aynı terimin kullanıldığı göz önüne alınarak bu sözlükte hepmercek terimi kullanılmıştır). TV
- Bir elektron demetini tıpkı optikmercek gibi saptırabilen mıknatıslı alan dizgesi; elektronikmercek.
- Gözde ışığın retina üzerinde odaklanmasını sağlayan saydam yapı. Lens.
- Bazı balıklarda ışık organlarının farklılaşmış hücreleri.
- Mikroskop ya da büyüteçlerde büyütmeyi sağlayan ya da görme kusurlarını gideren camdan yapılmış araç.
- Işığı geçiren, bir veya iki tarafı kavis halinde cam veya geçirgen madde.
- Elektrik alanı, magnetik alan ya da elektromagnetik alan yardımıyla, yüklü parçacıkların yoğunlaşmasını sağlayan düzenek.
Lens, crystalline lens.
lens antenna
- Mercek anten
lens aperture
- Diyafram açikligi