legislative committee ne demek?
- Yasama kurulu
- Yasa koyma, yasa yapma, teşri.
- Genel, soyut, objektif ve sürekli nitelikte kurallar koyma.
- Legislative.
- Legislation.
- Making laws.
- Checks and balances.
legislative council
- Yasama kurulu, yasalar çıkaran Kongreye ait komite (ABD)
- Yasama ile ilgili
- Yasama organı
- Kanun koyan, yasamalı
- Komite
- Heyet
- Kurul, komisyon
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
legislative councillegislativelegislative actlegislative assemblylegislative authoritylegislative bodylegislative branchlegislative enactmentlegislative immunitylegislative laglegislationlegislation and law committeelegislatelegislate awaycommitteecommittee idcommittee meetingcommittee membercommittee namecommittee of enquirycommittee of honourcommittee of inspectioncommittee of organisationcommittee of the regionscommittedcommitted bytescommitted filecommitted memorycommitted page