laugh off ne demek?

  1. Gülüp geçmek, gülerek geçiştirmek, şakaya vurmak

laugh on the other side of the mouth

  1. Burnu sürtülmek.

laugh on the wrong side of ones mouth

  1. Hayal kırıklığŸına uğŸramak, gülmek ve mutluluktan üzüntü ve ağŸlamaya geçmek (Yazılışı: laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth)


  1. Kapalı
  2. (edat) uzağa
  3. Ileriye, ileride
  4. Öteye, ötede
  5. Yanda
  6. Tamamen
  7. Uzakta
  8. Uzak
  9. Yanlış
  10. Uygun olmayan, anormal

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

laugh on the other side of the mouthlaugh on the wrong side of ones mouthlaugh out of courtlaugh overlaugh atlaugh at my expenselaugh awaylaugh downlaugh in ones facelaughlaugh in ones sleevelaugh linelauanlaubalilaubali olmaklaubali tiplaubaliceoffoff and onoff baseoff boardoff centeroff chanceoff coloroff colouroff course correctionoff dayofof a certain ageof a certain lengthof a certain qualityof a collapse
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