laboratory conditions ne demek?

  1. Laboratuvar şŸartları, bir laboratuvara özgü olan şŸartlar (steril olma, hijyen, dışŸ etkenler ile karşŸılıklı etkileşŸim olmama)


  1. Laboratuvar
  2. Laboratuvar.

laboratory animal

  1. Kobay


  1. Koşullar
  2. Durum
  3. Şartlar

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

laboratorylaboratory animallaboratory animalslaboratory assistantlaboratory coatlaboratory diagnosislaboratory findingslaboratory methodlaboratory micelaboratory ratslaboratoriallaboratoriallylaboratorianlaborantlaborantlıkconditionsconditions columnconditions of carriageconditions of experimentconditions of objectivityconditions of saleconditions of the periodconditioncondition examinationcondition in lifecondition monitoringcondition of equilibriumconditio sine qua non
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