kaz besisi ne demek?

  1. Besi amacıyla yetiştirilen kazların kesimden 3-5 hafta önce başlanarak 2500-3000 kcal/kg metabolik enerji içeren rasyonlarla semirtmeye tabi tutulması.
  2. (en)Goose fattening.

kaz boynu şeklinde şey

  1. (en)Gooseneck

kaz adımı

  1. (en)Goose step.


  1. Berilyum elementinin simgesi.
  2. Türk alfabesinin ikinci harfinin adı, okunuşu.
  3. "Ey, hey, yahu" anlamlarında bir seslenme sözü
  4. (en)Been.
  5. (en)Goddamn.
  6. (en)Onside.
  7. (en)Underarm.
  8. (en)To make the action of a verb particular or definite; as, beget ; beset.
  9. (en)Spend or use time; 'I may be an hour' work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function; 'He is a herpetologist'; 'She is our resident philosopher' have the quality of being; ; 'John is rich'; 'This is not a good answer' have life, be alive; 'Our great leader is no more'; 'My grandfather lived until the end of war' be identical to; be someone or something; 'The president of the company is John Smith'; 'This is my house' occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; 'Where is my umbrella?' 'The toolshed is in the back'; 'What is behind this behavior?' to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form; 'let her be' happen, occur, take place; 'I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents' house'; 'There were two hundred people at his funeral'; 'There was a lot of noise in the kitchen'.
  10. (en)The two-character ISO 3166 country code for BELGIUM.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

kaz boynu şeklinde şeykaz adımıkaz ayagikaz ayağıkaz ayağı bağıkazkaz cigerikaz ciğeri ezmesikaz çimikaz çobanıkakaakaabakaabiliyetlerkaakıbesisebesisubesisuyubesibesi barınağıbesi dokubesi dokulubesi dokusubesbes sentbesabesaitbesalet
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