karma ne demek?
- Karmak işi.
- Ayrı türden olan ögelerin karıştırılmasıyla oluşmuş, muhtelit.
- Muhtelit. ~ bağış, bağışlama: muhtelit hibe.
One's acts considered as fixing one's lot in the future existence.
The doctrine of fate as the inflexible result of cause and effect; the theory of inevitable consequence.
The effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation.
The law of moral cause and effect; also a person's moral merit/demerit according to one's actions and the inner intentions or motives which accompany them in terms of their conformity/non-conformity with dharma One's karma is said to entail one's rebirth in order for that karma to be realized or fulfilled, and to determine the circumstances of that subsequent life Attainment of moksha is thought to eliminate the production of karma altogether, and to bring to an end the cycle of rebirth.
Karma Yoga: literally, 'action;' in Hinduism, the moral law of cause and effect, in that one's actions in this life, no matter how trivial or momentous, will have a positive or negative effect upon the disposition of one's next life One should therefore be ever conscious of the nature and intent of one's actions As a yoga, it is one of the Four Paths to God.
The integrated collection of good and evil that a person accumulates during one's present and former lives It is believed by Hindus, Buddhists and some others that the amount and type of karma will determine a person's state when they are reincarnated in their next life Similarly, the sum total of one's acts in previous lives determines one's current life During their lives, most people have performed good and bad deeds and thus have generated good and bad karma Thus their next life will be a mixture of misery and unhappiness Although the term normally applies to individuals, there exists group karma, family karma and even national karma Some New Agers and Neopagans believe in Karma, but tend to restrict its effect to a person's present lifetime.
Literally 'action ' The unerring law of cause and effect, eg Positive actions bring happiness and negative actions bring suffering The actions of each sentient being are the causes that create the conditions for rebirth and the circumstances in that lifetime Karma.
Sufficient access to perform an operation, such as committing changes to a CVS module 2 Respect and merit in the community 3 Any combination of senses 1 and two; they are indirectly related.
Eastern name for the Law of Cause and Effect The basic Law governing our existence in this solar system Every thought, every action that we have and make sets into motion a cause These causes have their effects, which make our lives, for good or ill Expressed in biblical terms: As you sow, so shall you reap In scientific terms: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Actions and deeds that will lead to consequences in this or future lifetimes.
Sanskrit term referring to actions and their effects Through the force of intention we perform actions with our body, speech, and mind, and all of these actions produce effects The effect of virtuous actions is happiness and the effect of negative actions is suffering See Joyful Path of Good Fortune.
Literally 'Action', the Buddhist version of the idea that you reap what you sew It is the fundamental doctrine of actions and their consequences Karma includes both actual actions and psychological imprints and tendencies created within the mind by such actions Actions for the benefit of others are considered good karma and result in positive or favorable conditions in the future Selfish and harmful actions result in the opposite Karma manifests in numerous ways, either in the same or later lifetimes It is believed that nothing occurs which was not caused by karma and that all actions create karma L LAMA By strict definition, a lama is a teacher, though this is a very modest description for those lamas who have realized the mind's true nature.
Karman, the law of consequence with regard to action, which is the driving force behind the cycle of re-incarnation or rebirth in Asian religions According to karma theory, every action has a consequence which will come to fruition in either this or a future life, thus morally good acts will have positive consequences, whereas bad acts will produce negative results Consult the O D W R for the full entry.
Karma is usually translated as the law of cause and effect That we suffer at present because of past harmful or spiteful actions Karma underlines the importance of all individuals being responsible for their past and present actions When taking actions, it is best to look at what effect this will have on others, and why is it that we are taking these actions.
Directly related to 'cause and effect' and the universal law of 'you reap what you sow' From Hinduism and Buddhism, karma refers to 'deed' which has consequences The good and the bad mental and physical deeds you perform in a lifetime will return to you in the same life or in a future life for continuous spiritual refinement.
Act, deed: In Buddhist teachings, karma is the law of cause and effect: an act, whether of body, speech or mind, and its effects, either positive, or negative, leaving an imprint in one's consciousness, which automatically brings about more actions The law of karma compels the consciousness that is affected by it to be reborn into samsara, lifetime after lifetime.
Literally 'action' but also the law of cause and effect; action and reaction.
Physical, verbal, or mental action; one's destiny as shaped by one's previous actions Karma is more often used to imply the process of physio-psychic evolution, which is controlled by actions of body, speech, and mind According to the laws of karma, no experience is causeless; rather, everything that occurs has its seed in a previous action, and every action sows its seed in a successive action that will eventually ripen in accordance with its nature In brief, an evil deed produces the seed of future suffering, and goodness produces the seed of happiness Technically, karma is of two main types: contaminated and non-contaminated The latter refers to a deed done with awareness of emptiness; this produces no effect on the doer Contaminated karmas are bad, good, or steady, resulting in lower rebirth, good rebirth, and rebirth in the realm of form, respectively.
Kamma: : 'action or volitional activities' the cosmic law of cause and effect: every physical or spiritual deed has its long-range consequences as determined by the agent's intention Sanskrit form: karma.
Volition, volitional or intentional activity Karma is always followed by its fruit, Vipaka Karma and Vipaka are oftentimes referred to as the law of causality, a cardinal concern in the Teaching of the Buddha.
Sanskrit word meaning 'action ' The life tendency or destiny that each individual creates through thoughts, words and deeds One's actions in the past have shaped one's reality at present, and actions in the present determine one's future This is the law of cause and effect at work Ref.
Cause and Effect From an absolute standpoint, karma is the circumstance of the moment Relatively, it is the endless chain of cause and effect that defines the future events of an individuals life.
Spiritual cause and effect It's often interpreted as meaning that good behavior will be rewarded, and bad behavior will be punished if not in this life, in some future reincarnation.
The reward or punishment of any action of man is given by Gods order according to merit, God may give it or withhold it.
In Hinduism, the total compilation of all a person's past lives and actions that result in the present condition of that person.
Distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
The theory that all actions and thoughts produce effect in the future and thereby determine our future circumstances.
Action Also refers to the law of action and reaction, and sometimes to the reaction or fruit of one's action One of the four main paths of Yoga.
- Budizm ve Hinduizmde insanın iyi veya kötü kaderinin dünyaya daha önce gelişinde yaptığı iyi veya kötü hareketlerinin sonucu olduğunu savunan öğreti
- Kader, talih.
- Karma, önceki yaşamın kaderi belirlediği inancı, kader, talih
- Karıştırmak, birbirine katmak.
- Toz durumundaki bir şeyi sıvı ile karıştırarak çamur veya hamur durumuna getirmek.
- Özellikle mersin balıklarının denizlerden nehirlere üremek için geçişleri sırasında avlanmalarında kullanılan nehir ağızlarına kurulan çok iğneli bir olta takımı.
Sturgeon lines.
To mix.
To blend.
To shuffle.
To blend to shuffle.
To thrust sth into sth else.
karma açınık
- Dil damağın orta kısmına yaklaştırılmakla çıkarılan ö açınığı.
Voyelle mixte
karma algoritma
Hash algorithm