kaolin ne demek?
- Arı kil.
- Bk. arıkil.
- Formülü Al2O32SiO2.2H2O olan seramiklerde, kağıt ve tekstilde dolgu maddesi olarak kullanılan porselen kili, gri renkli, ince ve inert toz madde.
- Beyaz kil.
- Fine white granite clay used in hard-paste porcelain, also known as China clay.
- Fine usually white clay formed by the weathering of aluminous minerals ; used in ceramics and as an absorbent and as a filler.
- Very pure white clay, ordinarily in the form of an impalpable powder, and used to form the paste of porcelain; China clay; porcelain clay.
- It is chiefly derived from the decomposition of common feldspar.
- Fine white clay used as a filler or coating pigment in papermaking; also referred to china clay.
- White clay used by Maroons in French Guiana and Suriname for spiritual and healing purposes.
- The purest form of China clay consisting of silicate of aluminum.
- Subgroup name of aluminum silicates with a 1:1 layer structure Kaolinite is the most common clay mineral in the subgroup Also, a soft, usually white, rock composed largely of kaolinite See also Appendix I, Table A3.
- Fine, usually white clay that is used in ceramics and refractories as a filler or extender.
- Soft fine white clay quartzone of the commonest minerals of the Earth's crust), being pure silica or silicon dioxide It can occur in a crystal form, or as fine grain coloured nodules Particularly resistant to chemical and mechanical weathering, it is a common component of sedimentary rocks and of river and beach deposits Its hardness is a useful diagnostic feature: it cannot be scratched by a steel penknife and will itself scratch a piece of window glass.
- Fine, usually white, clay that is used in ceramics and refractories as a filler or extender.
- China clay.
- Caolin, kaoline.
- Kaolin.
- Kaolin
- Kaolin
- Arıkil, kaolin kaolinite,min
- Kaolin, arıkil
- Temiz, münezzeh.
- Yabancı şeylerden arınmış, katışıksız, saf, halis.
- Günahsız.
- Zar kanatlılardan, bal ve bal mumu yapan, iğnesiyle sokan böcek (Apis mellifica).
- Bir kimyasal özdeğin yabancı özdeciklerdenarınmış niteliği.
- Zarkanatlılar dizisinden birçok böceğin, özelliklearılar familyasına bağlı türlerin genel adı.
- Pak, pislikten uzak. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: ârî)
- Bee.
- Clean.
- Pure.
- Porselen yapımında kullanılan, içinde alüminyum, silis ve potas bulunan beyaz kil, toprak.
- Chino clay, porcelain clay.
- Kaolin
- Kaolin, arıkil
- Arı kilin temel maddesini oluşturan hidratlı alüminyum silikat.
- Kaolin veya kilin esas bileşeni, 1100
- Kaolinite.