kahvalti et ne demek?
- Ate breakfast
- Tanrıtanımaz (kimse).
- The preterit of Eat.
- The goddess of mischievous folly; also, in later poets, the goddess of vengeance.
- As an ending of participles or participial adjectives it is equivalent to - ed; as, situate or situated; animate or animated.
- As a noun suffix, it marks the agent; as, curate, delegate.
- It also sometimes marks the office or dignity; as, tribunate.
- In chemistry it is used to denote the salts formed from those acids whose names end -ic ; as, sulphate from sulphuric acid, nitrate from nitric acid, etc.
- Goddess of criminal rashness and its punishment.
- ATM Terminating Equipment.
- Automated test equipment used to perform electrical testing of integrated circuits.
kahvalti masasi
- Breakfast table
- Breakfast food
- İnsanlarda, hayvanlarda deri ile kemik arasındaki kas ve yağdan oluşan tabaka.
- Kasaplık hayvanlardan sağlanan kaslardan oluşmuş besin maddesi
- Ten.
- Meyvelerde çekirdekle deri arasındaki bölüm.
- Küçülmüş, azalmış anlamında kullanılan son ek
- Ve.
- Et.
- And.
- Meat.
- Flesh.