jigsaw ne demek?
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Machine driven
jigsaw puzzle
- Parçalı bulmaca, bozyap, içinden çıkılmaz iş
- Bir Orta Çağ çalgısı.
- Maden cevherinin derişimini ayarlamak için suya daldırılmış titreşen elek.
Light, brisk musical movement.
Piece of sport; a trick; a prank.
Trolling bait, consisting of a bright spoon and a hook attached.
Small machine or handy tool A contrivance fastened to or inclosing a piece of work, and having hard steel surfaces to guide a tool, as a drill, or to form a shield or templet to work to, as in filing.
An apparatus or a machine for jigging ore.
To sing to the tune of a jig.
To trick or cheat; to cajole; to delude.