investment adviser ne demek?

  1. Yatırım danışmanı, mali müşavir

investment advisor

  1. Yatırım danışmanı, mali müşavir

investment account

  1. Yatırım hesabı


  1. Müşavir
  2. Danışman
  3. Danışman öğretmen
  4. Akıl hocası

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

investment advisorinvestment accountinvestment allowanceinvestment analysisinvestment bankinvestmentinvestment bankinginvestment banksinvestment billinvestment budgetinvestinvest ininvest moneyinvestableinvestedadviseradvisershipadviseadvise againstadvise smbadvise smb. of smthadvise smb. of smth.advisabilityadvisableadvisablyadvisatoryadviceadvice boatadvice by intermediaryadvice centeradvice column
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