insured person ne demek?
- Sigortali kimse
insured people
- Yasal güvenceliler
insured event
- Sigortalanmış olay
- Kişi, fert
- Tip, zat
- Birey
- Beden, vücut
- Şahıs
- Şahsiyet
- Adam
- Kimse
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
insured peopleinsured eventinsured letterinsuredinsureinsurabileinsurabilityinsurableinsurable interestinsurable riskinsubmissiveinsubordinateinsubordinatelyinsubordinationinsubstantialpersonperson addicted to wineperson cashingperson entitledperson from the provincesperson having outstanding debtperson in chargeperson marketingperson missused by othersperson of notepers valisipers.persaltpersantilperse