inductance coefficient ne demek?

  1. Endüktans katsayısı


  1. (en)Inductance.


  1. Indüktans, öz indüksiyon

inductance bridge

  1. Endüktans köprüsü


  1. Ortak etmen
  2. Beraber çalışan
  3. Katsayı
  4. Emsal

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

inductanceinductance bridgeinductance couplinginductance unitinductinduct s.o. intoinduct s.o. into the armycoefficientcoefficient matrixcoefficient of accelerationcoefficient of associationcoefficient of concentrationcoefficient of concordancecoefficient of contingencycoefficient of correlationcoefficient of covariancecoefficient of cross elasticity
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