humus ne demek?
- Bitkilerin çürümesiyle oluşan koyu renkte organik toprak.
- İyice ezilmiş nohut, tahin ve baharatla hazırlanan bir yemek.
- Bitki ve hayvanların toprakta parçalanması sonucu meydana gelen karmaşık yapılı siyah organik madde.
- Bitkilerin çürümesi ile oluşan organik bozunma ürünlerini içeren üst toprak tabakası, çürümüş bitki artıkları.
- Organik maddelerin çürümesiyle oluşan toprak zenginleştirici madde.
That portion of the soil formed by the decomposition of animal or vegetable matter.
Partially decomposed organic soil material.
Dark colored semi-soluble organic substance formed from decomposition of soil organic matter.
The well-decomposed, more or less stable part of the organic matter of the soil.
The well decomposed, relatively stable portion of the partly or wholly decayed organic matter in a soil, which provides nutrients and helps the soil retain moisture.
The organic portion of soil; black or brown material formed by partial decomposition of vegetable or animal matter.
The end result of successful composting is humus It is the rich, dark, and fine mixture of decomposed organic materials Humus contains the microorganisms necessary for healthy soil, as well as a ready supply of the macro- and micro-nutrients necessary for healthy plants Use humus in the garden to condition and amend soil Mix it with the soil for general improvement or use it to side-dress hungry plants.
The part of the soil profile that is composed of decomposed organic matter from dead and decaying plants and animals.
Dead organic material derived from decomposition of plant and microbial wastes.
Decomposed plant or animal matter; the organic portion of soil.
Total of the organic compounds in soil exclusive of undecayed plant and animal tissues, their 'partial decomposition' products, and the soil biomass The term is often used synonymously with soil organic matter.
All of the organic compounds in soil exclusive of undecayed plant and animal tissues, their partial decomposition products and the soil biomass It is highly stable and resistant to further alteration.
General term for the more or less decomposed plant and animal residues in the lower organic soil layer.
Dark coloured fraction of soil organic matter formed during the decomposition of organic residues.
It is a valuable constituent of soils.
Partially decomposed organic matter; the organic component of soil.
Decomposed organic material.
Organic portion of the soil remaining after prolonged microbial decomposition.
Dark brown, decomposed, colloidal organic matter found in soils Humus usually has a beneficial effect on aeration and soil structure due to its ability to flocculate, or aggregate, multivalent cations.
Finished compost, formed through the break down of plants and animal matter Humus retains and slowly releases nutrients to plants.
From the Latin word for earth or ground, humus is the organic matter in quality soil The reason we work compost into our soil is to increase the humus level which improves the quality and health of the soil.
Organic material consisting of decayed vegetable matter It provides nutrients for plants and allows soil to better hold water.
Dark brown or black partially decomposed organic matter.
Thick spread made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and garlic; used especially as a dip for pita; originated in the Middle East.
- Humus
- Bitki ve hayvan artıklarının çürümesinden meydana gelen organik toprak, kara toprak, humus.
- Humuslu toprakta, ölü yaprakta yaşayan (organizma).
- Toprağa bitki döküntüleri biçiminde karışan taze organik maddelerin kimyasal, biyolojik dönüşümü.