horned screamers ne demek?
- Boynuzlu kuşgiller
- Boynuzu olan (hayvan).
- Karısının veya kadın yakınlarından birinin iffetsizliğine göz yuman (erkek)
- Troleybüs.
- Antlered.
- Horned.
- Cuckolded.
horned screamer
- Boynuzlu kuş
- Boynuzlu
- Uçları boynuz gibi sivri olan
- Kariyamagiller
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
horned screamerhornedhorned cattlehorned chameleonhorned dinosaurhorned lizardhorned owlhorned rattlesnakehorned toadhorned viperhornehornhorn antennahorn beachhorn beechhorn buttonscreamersscreamerscreamed at the top of his voicescreamed his head offscreamscream outscream with laughterscreachscreakscreaky