hormonal hypertrophy ne demek?
- Hormonal hipertrofi
- Hormonlarla ilgili
- Hormon özelliği gösteren
Pertaining to or caused by hormones (substance secreted into the bloodstream by the endocrine glands).
[hormonal] adj. pertaining to or caused by hormones (substance secreted into the bloodstream by the endocrine glands).
- Hormonsal, hormona ait, hormon niteliğinde
- Hormonlarla ilgili
- Hormon özelliği gösteren
Pertaining to or caused by hormones (substance secreted into the bloodstream by the endocrine glands).
[hormonal] adj. pertaining to or caused by hormones (substance secreted into the bloodstream by the endocrine glands).
- Hormonsal, hormona ait, hormon niteliğinde
hormonal castration
- Hormonal kastrasyon
- Bkz. hipertrofi
- Bir organın anormal irileşmesi
- Aşırı büyümek
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
hormonalhormonal castrationhormonal contraceptivehormonal hipertrofihormonal insufficiencyhormonal kastrasyonhormonal kontraseptifhormonal yetersizlikhormonallyhormona aithormonagoghormonagoguehormonhormon analizihormon assayhormon ekspresyonuhormon niteliğindehypertrophyhypertrophhypertrophia cordishypertrophichypertrophic antritishypertrophic cirrhosishypertrichiasishypertrichosishypertriglyceridemia