hippi ne demek?
- Toplumsal düzene, tüketime ve şiddete karşı çıkan, derbederce yaşayan, örgütlenmemiş gençler topluluğu.
Hippilerin direnci, gece gündüz güvertede yatabilmeleri ilgimi çekmişti benim.
Nazlı Eray Beatnik.
High Performance Parallel Interface.
High Performance Parallel Interface', ANSI draft standard X3T9.
High Performance Parallel Interface - ANSI draft standard X3T9.
High performance parallel interface; a point to point 100 MByte/sec interface standard used for networking components of high performance multicomputers together.
HIgh Performance Parallel Interface.
High-Performance Parallel Interface.
Abbreviation for high performance parallel interface as defined by the ANSI X3T9 3 document, a standard technology for physically connecting devices at short distances and high speeds Primarily to connect supercomputers and to provide high-speed backbones for local area networks.
High Performance Parallel Interface An ANSI standard for high-speed transfer of information in a dual-simplex manner over a short parallel bus.
High Performance Parallel Interface, a network technology standard that specifies a transmission speed of 100 megabytes per second and allows devices to be attached directly to the network without an intervening computer.
High speed interface usually used to connect point-to- point Transfer speeds are usually quoted at 100 MBps.
ANSI standard that extends the computer bus over fairly short distances at speeds of 800 and 1600 Mbps.
An 800 Mb/s interface to supercomputer networks.
The High Performance Parallel Interface is a network link, often used to connect computers It is slower than shared memory transfers but faster than TCP/IP transfers.
Height performance parallel interface Defined by ANSI X3T9.
Method for connecting heterogeneous supercomputers with IBM mainframes.
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Hippi interface
hippi interface
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