hint ceylanı ne demek?
- Çift parmaklılar (Artiodactyla) takımının, boynuzlugiller (Bovidae) familyasından, zarif, küçük ve hızlı hareketli, toprak renginde, Hindistan'da yaşayan bir tür.
Nilgai, nilgau.
Mountain gazelle.
Gazelle de l'Inde
Gazella bennetti
Remote allusion; slight mention; intimation; insinuation; a suggestion or reminder, without a full declaration or explanation; also, an occasion or motive.
Slight indication an indirect suggestion; 'not a breath of scandal ever touched her' drop a hint; intimate by a hint.
An indirect suggestion; 'not a breath of scandal ever touched her'.
Slight indication.
Slight but appreciable addition; 'this dish could use a touch of garlic'.
Just detectable amount; 'he speaks French with a trace of an accent'.
An indication of potential opportunity; 'he got a tip on the stock market'; 'a good lead for a job'.
Drop a hint; intimate by a hint.
hint ağırlık ölçüsü
- Devşirilmiş, koparılmış olan. Meyve toplanması ve alınması. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: cenî)