hindu ne demek?
- Hindistan'ın resmî dili.
- Hindistan'ın Mecusi halkından olan kimse.
- Satürn (Zühal) gezegeni.
Person who adheres to Hinduism.
Of or relating to or supporting Hinduism; 'the Hindu faith'.
The predominant religious tradition of the Indian subcontinent Originally, the word 'Hindu' or 'Shindu' was an Aryan reference to the indigenous people of the subcontinent, i e , those whom the Aryans had conquered ca 1500 BCE More specifically, it referred to those who lived 'in and beyond the Indus River valley.
Body of social, cultural, and religious beliefs and practices native to the Indian subcontinent: devotion to the cult of one of the chief gods and goddesses.
Hin' means to remove and 'du' means darkness In other words, any one who takes efforts to remove the darkness of spiritual ignorance, that is, a seeker, is a 'Hindu'.
Native inhabitant of Hindostan.
As an ethnical term it is confined to the Dravidian and Aryan races; as a religious name it is restricted to followers of the Veda.
The oldest religion in the world The major religion of India, today.
Same as Hindoo.
Person who adheres to Hinduism a native or inhabitant of Hindustan or India of or relating to or supporting Hinduism; 'the Hindu faith'.
Native or inhabitant of Hindustan or India.
- Hindu, Hintli
hindu arabic numerals
- Hint arap rakamlari
hindu arabic system
- Hint-arap sayi sistemi