highway addressable remote transducer ne demek?
- Hart
- Birden ve sert bir biçimde (ısırmak, yemek).
- Bk. melez yakalama tercümesi
- El ile ağacın yaprağını sağmak.
See the Note under Buck.
Male red deer United States lyricist who collaborated with Richard Rodgers United States playwright who collaborated with George.
United States lyricist who collaborated with Richard Rodgers.
Male red deer.
Hanscom Area Resource Team Airport-related businesses and airport users groups.
HART stands for Highway Addressable Remote Transducer.
Hard einen Harten haben have a hard-on.
- Otoyol, kara yolu
- Ekspres yol, otoban
- Ana yol, cadde
highway advisory radio
- Har
- Adreslenebilir
- Naklen yayın
- Uzak, ırak
- Yabancı, ecnebi
- Ayrı
- Pek az
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
highwayhighway advisory radiohighway codehighway curvehighway driverhighway engineerhighway of robberyhighway patrolhighway robberhighway robberyhighwaterhighwater river bedhighhigh accuracyhigh algebrahigh alloy steelhigh altitudeaddressableaddressable cursoraddressable memoryaddressable unitaddressabilityaddressaddress a letteraddress a remark toaddress an audienceaddress band