hertzian wave ne demek?
- Hertz dalgasi
- Saniyede bir titreşim yapan devirli bir olayın frekansına eşit frekans birimi.
- Kısaca Hz ile gösterilen ve bir saniyede salınan dalga boyu sayısını ifade eden frekans birimi.
German physicist who with James Franck proved the existence of the stationary energy states postulated by Bohr German physicist who was the first to produce electromagnetic waves artificially the unit of frequency; one Hertz has a periodic interval of one second.
Unit of frequency; equal to cycles per second.
Unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.
Unit of frequency Expressed in cycles per second.
Unit used to measure frequency One hertz equals one cycle per second.
The unit of frequency, one cycle per second.
Unit of frequency measurement; 1 hertz equals one cycle per second.
hertzian waves
- Hertz dalgaları, elektromanyetik dalgalar
hertzian oscillator
- Hertz osilatöru
- El hareketi yapmak
- Dalgalı olmak
- Dalgalanmak
- Sallanmak
- Sallamak
- Dalgalandırmak, dalga dalga etmek
- Dalga
- Dalgalanma
- El işareti
- El sallama