harp dansı ne demek?
- Bk. savaş oyunu
savaş oyunu
- Toplumu savaşa hazırlamak ve savaşı kazanmak amacını güden benzerduyusal büyü eylemleri üzerine temellenen halk oyunu, bk. oyun. krş. barış oyunu, benzerduyusal büyü.
- War dance.
- Danse de la guerre
harp dairesi
- Millî Savunma Bakanlığında savaş gereçleri ile uğraşan daire.
- Department of the Ministry of National Defence responsible for instruments.
harp divanı
- Drum court martial.
- (Bak: Dünüvv)
- Title of honor equivalent to master, or sir.
- Small truck or sledge used in coal mines.
- Black belt rank.
- Grades from first degree black belt forward that denote degrees of proficiency.
- Term used in the Japanese martial arts for anyone who has achieved the rank of at least first-degree black belt.
- Degree, grade level designation referring to black belt rank.
- Term used in the Japanese, Okinawan and Korean martial arts for anyone who has achieved the rank of at least first-degree black belt.
- Grade, rank As from first black belt degree First introduced by Jigoro Kano, Founder of modern JUDO.
- Black belt rank, from shodan through judan White belt ranks are called kyu ranks.