hap ne demek?
- Kolayca yutulabilmesi için toparlak durumuna getirilmiş ilaç
Doktorlar hap, banyo ve perhiz tavsiye etmiş.
B. Felek - Bir içimlik afyon.
- Çocuk dilinde yiyeceği yutma sesi.
- Yapıştırıcı (şeker, jelatin, dekstrin, un v.s veya absorblayıcı (nişasta, süt şekeri, magnezyum karbonat, magnezyum oksit v.s.) ile ilaç karışımından yapılmış disk.
- Toz veya yarı katı durumdaki ilaçların bağlayıcı maddelerle karıştırılıp hamur h
To happen; to befall; to chance.
An accidental happening; 'he recorded all the little haps and mishaps of his life'.
Small portion of opium.
Come to pass; 'What is happening?'; 'The meeting took place off without an incidence'; 'Nothing occurred that seemed important'.
Hazardous Air Pollutant Source: US EPA.
Chance, fortune.
Hazardous Air Pollutant under Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
Hazardous air pollutants.
To clothe; to wrap.
Cloak or plaid.
That which happens or comes suddenly or unexpectedly; also, the manner of occurrence or taking place; chance; fortune; accident; casual event; fate; luck; lot.
Hazardous Air Pollutant.
Hazardous air pollutant In general, an 'air toxic ' Specifically, this also refers to one of the 188 specific pollutants listed in the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments.
Housing Assistance Payments HUD pays the assistance to the owner of an assisted unit on behalf of an eligible family The payment is the difference between the contract rent and the tenant rent.
Habitat Action Plan.
Compressed file archive created by HAP.
- Olmak, meydana gelmek, tesadüf etmek, rastlamak, rastgelmek
hap almış
hap etmek
- Yemek, yutmak.