habitat ne demek?
- Yerleşme, oturma.
- Bitkinin doğal olarak yetiştiği yer, yurt.
- Bir canlı türünü ya da canlı birliklerini barındıran ve kendine özgü özellikler gösteren yaşama ortamı.
- Bir canlı türünü veya canlı topluluklarını barındıran ve kendine özgü özellikler gösteren yaşama ortamı.
Specific area or environment in which a particular type of plant or animal lives Components of a habitat include food, water, and shelter.
The place where an organism lives and/or the conditions of that environment including the soil, vegetation, water, and food.
The place or community where a plant or animal lives and grows.
The place where an organism naturally lives, grows, and interacts.
The place where an animal or plant lives.
The specific area or environment in which a particular plant or animal lives An organism's habitat provides all of the basic requirements for the maintenance of life For example, typical coastal habitats include beaches, marshes, rocky shores, bottom sediments, mudflats, and the water itself.
Means the structural environments where an organism lives for all or part of its life, including environments once occupied by an organism or group of organisms, and into which organisms of that kind have the potential to be reinstated.
The place where a plant or animal naturally grows or lives.
The place where a population or community lives and its surroundings, both living and non-living.
The native environment or specific surroundings where a plant or animal naturally grows or lives The surroundings include physical factors such as temperature, moisture, and light together with biological factors such as the presence of food or predator organisms The term can be employed to define surroundings on almost any scale from marine habitat, which encompasses the oceans, to microhabitat in a hair follicle of the skin.
The natural home or environment of an animal or plant.
The place where a species normally lives.
The place or type of site where an animal or plant naturally or normally lives and grows; the arrangement of food, water, shelter, and space suitable to an animal's needs.
The location and environmental conditions in which a particular organism normally lives.
The natural abode, locality or region of an animal or plant.
The place where a plant or animal species naturally lives and grows; or characteristics of the soil, water, and biologic community that make this possible.
The environment in which an organism or biological population lives or grows.
The place and conditions in which an organism lives.
The environment in which a population or individual lives; includes not only the place where a species is found, but also the particular characteristics of the place that make it especially well suited to meet the life cycle needs of that species Habitat.
The place where a population lives and its surroundings, both living and non-living.
The place where an animal or plant naturally lives and grows.
The specific environment in which an organism lives and on which it depends for food and shelter.
Place where anything is commonly found.
The type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs; 'a marine habitat'; 'he felt safe on his home grounds'.
The place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows.
The natural home of an animal or plant; the sum of the environmental conditions that determine the existence of a community in a specific place.
The natural environment/area/location in which where an organism normally grows.
The area in which an animal, plant, or microorganism lives and finds the nutrients, water, sunlight, shelter, living space, and other essentials it needs to survive Habitat loss, which includes the destruction, degradation, and fragmentation of habitats, is the primary cause of biodiversity loss.
- Doğal ortam, yetişme ortamı, vatan
- Bir hayvan veya bitkinin yetiştiği yer
- Herhangi bir şeyin doğal yeri .
habitat action plan
- Hap
habitat evaluation procedure
- Hep