guru ne demek?
- Brahmacı eğitimde, yüksek kasttan gençleri ve öğrencileri yetiştiren kimse.
- Herhangi bir sanat dalında veya işte en üst derecede değerlendirilen usta, pir.
Spiritual teacher, guide, or confessor amoung the Hindoos.
Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher a recognized leader in some field or of some movement; 'a guru of genomics' each of the first ten leaders of the Sikh religion.
Spiritual teacher.
Enlightened spiritual teacher.
Teacher, spiritual teacher, guide.
Teacher, par ticularly of the spiritual kind.
Spiritual teacher and guide.
Spiritual Teacher or Master who radiates enlightenment.
Spiritual guide.
Literally, 'from darkness to light' a person who acts as spiritual teacher and role model In the hijra community, one's superior and the person primarily responsible for one's welfare as well.
Sanskrit and pan-Indian word denoting a spiritual master or teacher It implies an initiatory relation between master and disciple The guru passes on oral tradition and ascetic regimen to the student.
Master of Metaphysics who teaches students how to attain their optimal spiritual level.
Teacher who has attained mastery in the Supracosmic Sphere.
Gurudev: spiritual preceptor in the Hindu and yogic tradition.
Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher.
Each of the first ten leaders of the Sikh religion.
Recognized leader in some field or of some movement; 'a guru of genomics'.
Spiritual teacher; an expert in any field of knowledge.
An advanced spiritual teacher.
Literally, 'the dispeller of darkness'; the power that can dispel the darkness of ignorance and reveal the pure light of the Self, which shines in every being A spiritual seeker must listen to the voice of the Guru within, sometimes think of the Guru without, and remain united with both The words and vibrations of the Guru help unrealized beings to realize their true nature, not all at once, but in accordance with the capacity of each seeker In this way a tradition of knowledge is established, and Gurus or Masters are created.
The Spiritual Master.
Preceptor, Teacher.
- (Uzak Doğu'da) mürşit.
- Guru, hintli bilge, hintli ruhani lider
- Bk. batma
- Bk. batmak
- Bk. gün batması
- Batma, batış. Batıda görünmez olma. Gözden kaybolmak.
Sunset, sundown.