guardian saint ne demek?
- Patron
- Bir ticaret veya sanayi kurumunun sahibi, başı, işvereni
- Bir kuruluşta, bir iş yerinde makam bakımından yetkili kimse.
- Sözü geçen paralı kimse.
- Kumaşın biçilmesine yarayan, bir giysi örneğindeki parçaların biçimine göre kesilmiş kâğıt, kalıp.
- One who has gift and disposition of a benefice.
- See Padrone,.
- To be a patron of; to patronize; to favor.
- Another term used for the Library users who have borrowing privelege.
- Person who supports of an artist, both financially and by helping him or her to become well known in their field of art.
- Patron, or benefactor, is one who enters into a contract with a client and provides goods that are not normally available to the client In return, the benefactor receives honor and loyalty Click here for examples.
guardian spirit
- Koruyucu cin
guardian angel
- Koruyucu melek
- Aziz kabul etmek, azizler mertebesine çıkarmak
- Aziz, evliya, ermiş.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
guardian spiritguardian angelguardian by judicial appointmentguardian by natureguardian of a childguardian of the poorguardianguardianshipguardguard a secretguard againstguard bandguard barsguarguar gamguar gumguar sakızıguaranasaintsaint ambrosesaint andrewsaint augustinesaint bedesaint benedictsaint bernardsaint bernard dogsaint bridgetsaint clare of assisisainfoinsaisai müsellessaibsaibashisaibe