group by size ne demek?
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group by box
- Kutuya Göre Gruplandır
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- Asıl gayeden uzak ifade veya fikir
- Ilâve edilen veya ikinci derecede önemli olan şey.
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- (-den),tarafından
- Kadar
- Göre
- Siz zamirinin yönelme durumu eki almış biçimi.
Thin, weak glue used in various trades, as in painting, bookbinding, paper making, etc.
Any viscous substance, as gilder's varnish.
To cover with size; to prepare with size.
Settled quantity or allowance.
See Assize.
An allowance of food and drink from the buttery, aside from the regular dinner at commons; corresponding to battel at Oxford.
Extent of superficies or volume; bulk; bigness; magnitude; as, the size of a tree or of a mast; the size of a ship or of a rock.
Conventional relative measure of dimension, as for shoes, gloves, and other articles made up for sale.
An instrument consisting of a number of perforated gauges fastened together at one end by a rivet, used for ascertaining the size of pearls.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
group by subjectgroup by boxgroup by fromgroup by tablegroup by timegroupgroup accentgroup accountgroup actiongroup addressgroup administration plansgroup and outlinegroup bonusgroup boxgroup bygrouchgrouchilygrouchinessgrouchogrouchybyby (main) forceby a fraction of an inchby a hairby a hairbreadthby a hairs breadthby a lengthby a majorityby a mechanismby a nosebb 52b addressb amplifierb and b