granting sb sth ne demek?
- Tevcih
- Yöneltme.
- Aşama, makam, mevki verme, terfi ettirme.
- Döndürmek, yöneltmek.
- Turning towards.
- Aiming pointing.
- Leveling sth at.
- Directing.
- Conferring.
- Bestowing sth upon sb.
- Granting sb sth.
granting sb full discharge
- Aklama
granting by the sovereign
- Egemenin bağışlaması
- Bk. sanal bellek
- Bk. saniye başına ikil
- (also: Sb) antimony, metalloid element, element which is both metallic and nonmetallic.
- Antimon.
- Büyüme hormonu.
- Somatotrophic hormone.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
granting sb full dischargegranting by the sovereigngranting of printing privilegegrantinggrantgrant a delaygrant accessgrant access ongrant allgrangran komikgranagranadagranadillasbsb like thatsb of meritsb who attainssb who dislikes delaysb who feigns reluctancesb who is mourningsb who makes stalesb who wants sthsbcss esS 2 propilpiperidinS A düğümS adenozil homosistein