got away ne demek?

  1. Atlat


  1. (en)[atlatmak] beat smb.
  2. (en)To it, overcome, put off, get over, come through, bypass, circumvent, dish, dodge, escape, jump, let down, outwit, parry, pull through, shake, skip, slip, stall off, take, throw off, tide over, turn, ward off.

got about

  1. Dolaş

got accustomed

  1. Alisik ol


  1. Uzağa, uzakta
  2. Bir yana
  3. -den, -dan be away bulunmamak, başka yere gitmişolmak
  4. Deplasman maçı
  5. Ünlem Defol ! Haydi !

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

got aboutgot accustomedgot acrossgot advicegot aheadgotgot angrygot aroundgot around togot atgogo a long way towardsgo aboardgo aboutgo about a taskawayaway gameaway matchaway messageaway on leaveaway with youawacsawaitawait newsawait smth. impatientlyawait someone with anticipation
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